Onigiri or Japanese rice balls can be both a meal and a snack depending on its size and your appetite. Spice up this classic Japanese rice ball with coconut rice and our Organic Yellow Curry Paste! Read on to find out how to make Japanese rice balls.
Curry Onigiri Recipe
- 1 cup of short grain white rice (jasmine or Japanese rice works just fine)
- 1 cup of coconut milk
- ½ cup of water
- 2 ½ tbsp of Mekhala Organic Yellow Curry Paste
- 1 stalk of cilantro
- Salt
- To get this Japanese rice ball recipe started, cook 1 cup of rice using your favorite method (rice cooker, boiling etc), but instead of just water, use a mixture of 1 cup coconut milk and ½ cup of water.
- Finely chop cilantro.
- When rice is done, mix in Mekhala Organic Yellow Curry Paste and cilantro. Feel free to add more onigiri curry paste to taste.
- Add salt to taste. The Japanese curry rice balls should be ready now.
- Shape rice with onigiri mold according to included instructions OR grease palms of hands with oil (vegetable, coconut, or sesame oil) and shape jasmine rice onigiri with hands. Remember to pack the Japanese yellow rice as tight as possible.
Did you try our curry onigiri recipe? What did you think about it? Let us know!
Do check out more yellow curry recipes!
– Yellow Curry Tsukemen (Japanese dipping noodles)
– Egg Yellow Curry Breakfast Bowl